Well. we made it home from Costa Rica and even though it is not stamping related I thought I would post a few of our photos. We had a great trip and spent our time diving, eating and playing with 2 other couples from Atlanta...Hi to Gene and Anne and Dave and Denise!
I hope you will enjoy these photos. The diving was different from any we have done. The water was not as clear as the Caribbean but we still saw some cool stuff.
The first photo is a sea horse Denise took on her 1st dive with the camera. It turned out great especially for a newbie. The next is a couple of eels sharing a hidey hole.
The last photo is of a Pilot Whale. We came upon a whole pod of them while we were moving the boat to our 2nd dive site one day. they were jumping out of the water like dolphins and this was the only photo I got of them(gotta hate that digital pause). We also saw lots of dolphins our swimming and playing with our boat in the wakes.
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