Well, we have had quite a week at our house. I am determined not to let the holidays stress me out. I don't think that is the intention of them and I feel that if I am too stressed out then I must have lost the true meaning of Christmas.
That being said, my oven went out on me on Monday evening while I was trying to prepare dinner. My hubby came home and took it apart and found the bad piece but it was too late to get it. He went to get one on Tuesday and they did not have one. He called another place and was assured of getting it by 2:30 Wednesday.
Ok, on Sunday I invited my family over for a little early Christmas festivities because we are leaving town on Saturday and so is our youngest child. I am supposed to bake cookies with my 5 year old granddaughter and then cook a warm supper because we have been having record low temps for the last 2 weeks including today (Wednesday)
I got home and my hubby was relaxing in his big comfy chair and the oven was fixed! A few minutes later the kids started arriving. We baked cookies and I fixed 2 favorite dinners (I had to use what I did not get to cook on Monday) and we all ate. Then we found out that the roads were iced and now we have 3 adults, 2 children and a dog all spending the night with us! Well, we had a great dinner, shared some presents, sat by the warm fire and everyone slept over.
Thank goodness for the rain and warm weather, now everything is back to normal after a 2 hour delay to schools and businesses. We in Atlanta are not equipped to handle snow or ICE!
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